The project Working Documentation Other Stuff
The objective of this project is to make a game, called Evolution, that appears much with Symcity, because it is a strategy game and let the gamer administrate a city... However, Evolution is "more real time" than Symcity. This game will not have violence. We want the game be a good example for people, and we are worried about education influence in games. This game needs to be cool and fun, but educative... One of the game objectives is to make the numbers of students and employeds of the city grow. As the adminitrator of a city, the gamer will need to solve problems relate with unemployment (schools, enterprises, students, professional), thiefs (and police), health (hospitals), etc. With the game source (tarball, future redhat and debian packages), there is a directory called docs. This directory contains more detailed information and definitions abouts the game and the source. |