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sprite.h File Reference


#define UNIT_WIDTH


typedef struct file_header  file_header
typedef struct sprite  sprite
typedef struct sprite_unit  sprite_unit
typedef struct unit  unit
typedef struct rect  rect


void read_sprite_from_file (FILE* f, sprite* sp, gchar *sp_dir)
void read_all_sprites (char* filename, gchar *sp_dir)
void print_sprite_info (sprite* sp)
int get_unit_from_pixelx (int pixels)
int get_unit_from_pixely (int pixels)
spriteget_sprite_from_id (GList *splist, int id)
sprite_unitsprite_unit_add (GList **unit_list, sprite *sp, int x, int y)
int can_place_sprite_on_unit (sprite *sp, int x, int y)
void delete_sprite_unit (sprite_unit *sp_unit)
rect add_sprite_on_unit (sprite *sp, int x, int y)
rect delete_sprite_on_unit (unit *unitmap, int x, int y)
int save_level_to_file (FILE *f)
int open_level_from_file (FILE *f)
void resize_array_of_units (void)
void update_list_of_units (void)
int file_exists (gchar *fn)
void read_config (void)
void init_variables (void)


gchar sprites_dir [1000]
gchar sprites_dir_home [1000]
GList* sprite_list
GList* sprite_list_sp
GList* sp_unit_list
GList* sp_unit_list_sp
int level_width
int level_height

Define Documentation


Definition at line 13 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 14 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 15 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 16 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 17 of file sprite.h.

#define UNIT_WIDTH ()

Definition at line 19 of file sprite.h.

#define UNIT_HEIGHT ()

Definition at line 20 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 23 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 24 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 68 of file sprite.h.


Definition at line 69 of file sprite.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct file_header file_header

typedef struct sprite sprite

typedef struct sprite_unit sprite_unit

typedef struct unit unit

typedef struct rect rect

Function Documentation

void read_sprite_from_file (FILE * f, sprite * sp, gchar * sp_dir)

Definition at line 18 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

void read_all_sprites (char * filename, gchar * sp_dir)

Definition at line 69 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

void print_sprite_info (sprite * sp)

Definition at line 65 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

int get_unit_from_pixelx (int pixel)

Definition at line 10 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

int get_unit_from_pixely (int pixel)

Definition at line 14 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

sprite * get_sprite_from_id (GList * splist, int id)

Definition at line 101 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

sprite_unit * sprite_unit_add (GList ** unit_list, sprite * sp, int x, int y)

Definition at line 118 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

int can_place_sprite_on_unit (sprite * sp, int x, int y)

Definition at line 184 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

void delete_sprite_unit (sprite_unit * sp_unit)

Definition at line 235 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

rect add_sprite_on_unit (sprite * sp, int x, int y)

Definition at line 130 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

rect delete_sprite_on_unit (unit * unitmap, int x, int y)

Definition at line 203 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

int save_level_to_file (FILE * f)

Definition at line 253 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

int open_level_from_file (FILE * f)

Definition at line 313 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

void resize_array_of_units (void)

Definition at line 360 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

void update_list_of_units (void)

Definition at line 418 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

int file_exists (gchar * fn)

Definition at line 472 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

void read_config (void)

Definition at line 482 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

void init_variables (void)

Definition at line 519 of file evolutionle/src/sprite.c.

Variable Documentation

gchar sprites_dir[1000]

Definition at line 71 of file sprite.h.

gchar sprites_dir_home[1000]

Definition at line 72 of file sprite.h.

GList* sprite_list

Definition at line 73 of file sprite.h.

GList* sprite_list_sp

Definition at line 74 of file sprite.h.

GList* sp_unit_list

Definition at line 76 of file sprite.h.

GList* sp_unit_list_sp

Definition at line 77 of file sprite.h.

unit* level

Definition at line 79 of file sprite.h.

unit* levelsp

Definition at line 80 of file sprite.h.

int level_width

Definition at line 81 of file sprite.h.

int level_height

Definition at line 81 of file sprite.h.

Generated at Mon Nov 6 22:47:02 2000 for TheGameofEvolution by doxygen 1.0.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999