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This is the verbatim text of the evolutionle/src/sprite.h include file.
#ifndef SPRITE
#define SPRITE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glib.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#define SPRITE_TYPE_NONE   0

#define UNIT_WIDTH 20
#define UNIT_HEIGHT 20


//Format of header of the file that store the map of level on disk
//The size of this structure should be 1024
typedef struct file_header { 
  long int major_version, minor_version; //version of file format 
  long int level_width, level_height;    //width and height of map  
  long int num_sprites_on_screen;        //number of sprites on screen
  long int num_grounds_on_screen;        //number of grounds on screen

  char reserved[1000]; //Bytes remaining to complete 1024
} file_header; 

//sprite structure
typedef struct sprite {
  int id;
  char name[300];
  char filename[1000];
  char filename_tga[1000];
  char description[1000];
  int sizex, sizey;
  int width_pixels, height_pixels;
  int type;           //Type of the sprite
  void *pixmap; //GdkPixmap or CL_Surface
  void *mask;   //GdkBitmap
} sprite;

typedef struct sprite_unit {
  int unitx, unity;
  int sprite_id;
  struct sprite *sprite;
} sprite_unit;

typedef struct unit {
  int sprite_id;
  int draw_here; //boolean - indicate if the sprite should be drawed in this unit.
  sprite_unit *sp_unit;
} unit;

typedef struct rect {
  int x, y, sx, sy;
} rect;

#define CONFIG_FILENAME  "/etc/evolution.config"
#define LEVELEDITORFILE  "sprite_list.rc"

gchar sprites_dir[1000];   
gchar sprites_dir_home[1000];   
GList* sprite_list;    //List of "ground" sprites
GList* sprite_list_sp; //List of "sprite" sprites

GList  *sp_unit_list;    //List of ground on the screen
GList  *sp_unit_list_sp; //List of sprites on the screen

unit *level; //Array of ground units
unit *levelsp; //Array of sprite units
int level_width, level_height; //Width and height in units

void read_sprite_from_file(FILE* f, sprite* sp, gchar *sp_dir);
void read_all_sprites(char* filename, gchar *sp_dir);
void print_sprite_info(sprite* sp);
int get_unit_from_pixelx(int pixels);
int get_unit_from_pixely(int pixels);
sprite *get_sprite_from_id(GList *splist, int id);
sprite_unit *sprite_unit_add(GList **unit_list, sprite *sp, int x, int y);
int can_place_sprite_on_unit(sprite *sp, int x, int y);
void delete_sprite_unit(sprite_unit *sp_unit);

//returns the rect to be updated
rect add_sprite_on_unit(sprite *sp, int x, int y); 
rect delete_sprite_on_unit(unit *unitmap, int x, int y);

//Function to open and save the files...
int save_level_to_file(FILE *f);
int open_level_from_file(FILE *f);

void resize_array_of_units(void); //(Re)initialize array of units...
void update_list_of_units(void); //Updates values in list of sprites and ground on screen, to save a file.
int file_exists(gchar *fn); //Returns 1 if the current file exists...

void read_config(void);
void init_variables(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif //SPRITE

Generated at Mon Nov 6 22:47:10 2000 for TheGameofEvolution by doxygen 1.0.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999