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00001 /* Automatically generated by po2tbl.sed from evolutionle.pot.  */
00003 #if HAVE_CONFIG_H
00004 # include <config.h>
00005 #endif
00007 #include "libgettext.h"
00009 const struct _msg_ent _msg_tbl[] = {
00010   {"", 1},
00011   {"The Game of Evolution", 2},
00012   {"_Novo", 3},
00013   {"New file", 4},
00014   {"grid", 5},
00015   {"Refresh", 6},
00016   {"Sprites", 7},
00017   {"The Game of Evolution - Level Editor", 8},
00018   {"Grounds", 9},
00019   {"Edit new level", 10},
00020   {"\
Now you will edit a new level.\n\
Please enter the width and height in units. \n\
Each unit has a size of 20x20 pixels.", 11},
00021   {"Width:", 12},
00022   {"Height:", 13},
00023   {"Ok", 14},
00024   {"Cancel", 15},
00025   {"File changed", 16},
00026   {"The current editing file has been changed. Are you sure?", 17},
00027   {"GPL (GNU Public Licence)", 18},
00028   {"\\n\
This level editor is part of the \"Game of Evolution\" package and CAN be \
distributed separately. ;-)", 19},
00029   {"Select File", 20},
00030   {"File alredy exists", 21},
00031   {"\
The file you selected alredy exists! \n\
Do you want to overwrite it?", 22},
00032   {"Couldn't find pixmap file: %s", 23},
00033   {"Couldn't create pixmap from file: %s", 24},
00034 };
00036 int _msg_tbl_length = 24;

Generated at Mon Nov 6 22:47:03 2000 for TheGameofEvolution by doxygen 1.0.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999